Thursday, July 11, 2013

White Sandwich Bread

I know it has been a little bit since I have last posted but I haven't forgot! I have been trying new recipes and taking pictures and it has just been a little too crazy around here to post!

I went looking for a white sandwich bread recipe, because of 2 things, 1. I am tired of having the jelly soak through the bread for pb&j, I want something with more substance and 2. Maybe it is the 5 year old in me but I like white bread over most other breads. I know, I know, it is not  exactly nutritious but you can do so much with just plain old white bread! I found this recipe on King Arthur Flour, I did not realize, but they have a TON of recipes on that website!

P.S.:They also have a whole wheat version!

Classic White Sandwich Bread
1 1/2 Cups    Lukewarm Water (if you are using instant yeast, If you are using dry active, make sure the water is the right temperature to activate your yeast)

1 heaping Tbsp.    Honey

2 1/4 tsp.    Instant Yeast (I used active dry, and used 1 Tbsp. of active dry yeast)

1 3/4 tsp.    Salt (now this is one recipe that I will say not to omit the salt if using salted butter, please add it)

2 Tbsp.    Soft Butter
4 Cups    A.P. Flour
1/2 Cup    Nonfat Dry Milk

If you are using active dry yeast, make sure the water is at the right temperature for your yeast and mix the active dry yeast into the water, let stand about 5 min, until it starts bubbling like this.

If using instant yeast, there is no need to activate it so just put it into the bowl with all of the other ingredients.

Place ingredients into the bowl, in no particular order, I did the yeast water mix first then all of the dry. 

*Do not put salt by the yeast, it will kill the yeast*

I guess I forgot to take a picture, but I stirred with a spatula, until all of the liquid was gone. I then turned the dough out onto a big cutting board and started kneading, and kneading, and kneading. For probably about 5-8 min, just until it reaches a smooth look.

Place into a greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap, leave in a warm area for about 60-90 mins. Or until it reaches just about double in size. 

If it is a particularly hot day, it will not even take 60 mins. Mine was ready at about 45 mins. Just keep an eye on it. If your dough has bubbles on the top, it has been over proofed, you want it to stay smooth.

Take out of bowl and pat down gently to deflate. Roll into a log and place into a greased 9"x5" pan.

Spray plastic wrap with cooking spray so it does not stick to the top of the dough, cover and let rise for another 60-90 mins. 

Mine ended up being ready at 60 mins. The dough should be about 1 1/2" above the rim of the pan.

I'm not sure why but this picture makes it look way bigger than it was.

Place into the oven at 350F for 20 mins, If it is getting too brown at that point, tent foil over it, if it is not too brown, omit the foil, and bake for another 15-20 mins. 

A thermometer should read 195-200F when inserted into the loaf.

Take out of pan immediately and place onto cooling rack

Rub (or brush) the top of loaf with butter, this keeps the bread soft and also gives it that buttery flavor. Let cool completely before slicing.

This bread slices beautifully, I don't have an electric knife, or a cutting guide. As long as you can eyeball the slice sizes you are good to go.

Look how beautiful the crumb is! It is not flimsy like the white bread you find in the stores, and it is delicious!!!


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